Bristol Community
Faculty &
Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Thursday
August 30, 2012
H129 3:15 p.m.
in attendance:, Jeanne Grandchamp, James Pelletier, Susan McCourt, Ron
Weisberger, Howard Tinberg, Sharon Pero, Jim Constantine, Cecil Leonard, Sally
Gabb, Gabriela Adler, Nan Loggains,
Sandra Lygren, Betsy Kemper-French, J.P. Nadeau, Alan Rolfe, Jim Corven, Kelemu
Absences: M. Williams, M. Pollock, D.
T. McGarty, S. Adams, J. Rose, T. Grady,
D. St. George, S. Ferreira, P. Robillard
Holly Pappas
meeting was called to order by President McCourt at 3:20 p.m.
MINUTES: Minutes from April 30, 2012
were reviewed and approved with three abstentions, Senators who were not
present 4/30/12.
Opening Remarks: President Susan McCourt welcomed Senators for
2012-2013 and offered a brief history of the BCC Faculty and Professional Staff
Senate. She also briefly discussed the changes over summer 2012, indicating
that Kelemu Woldegiorgis
has been asked to step in as representative for Division V in place of Anthony
Ucci, who has moved into an Acting Associate Academic Vice President position.
Business from July 2012 Senate
Retreat: President
McCourt summarized a suggestion made by Senate summer retreat attendees that the
Senate consider a recommendation involving catalog course descriptions: might
the course descriptions published in the college catalog include both the
time-frames and the modalities in which each course can be offered, decided by the
appropriate departments? President McCourt indicated that she would phrase this
proposal for Senators to share with Divisions so that constituent feedback
might inform Senate discussion of this suggestion later in the semester.
Academic Policy Committee
(APC): Current
APC chair Ron Weisberger put out a call for committee members. The Senate is
looking for Senators willing to help examine the current By-Laws’ description
of the committee and begin rethinking the use of the APC. Might the Senate best
use the committee as an investigative arm? A research arm? Those willing would
initially help APC reconstitute itself and might also remain, if they so
choose, on the committee after it is reconstituted with a new charge. Senators
expressed the belief that APC should become proactive rather than reactive. Senator
Jim Pelletier volunteered; a call will go out via President McCourt for
senators to consider membership.
Nominations, Elections and By-Laws Committee: 1) Susan McCourt
is now Senate President and has stepped down from NEB-L; Sharon Pero has agreed
to stay on NEB-L. 2) NEB-L will look again at Division IV’s census to devise a
way to accurately count division members for future Senate elections. (Due to
teaching methods employed in the division, it is currently difficult to
determine how many senators are required to represent the division.) 3) Once the difficulty with determining number
of senators for Div. IV is resolved, NEB-L will be able to see whether or not a
write-in candidate from the Spring 2012 election can be seated. 4) The by-laws
are slated to be examined for revision this year. Members are also needed for
Nominations, Elections and By-Laws.
Business for the
Upcoming Academic Year: Pres. McCourt devised a chart assigning topics that the Senate has
before it for consideration this academic year to each of the slated
times/dates for meetings. She requested a discussion of potential changes to
the topics chart. One Senator suggested that the discussion of developmental
education be moved to earlier in the year; it will be moved to the November
2012 Senate meeting.
Academic Decision-Making & Transparency: Senator Sharon Pero, A. Ucci and D.
St. George are the Senate team for this joint committee, with administration’s
team being comprised of David Feeney, Sarah Garrett and Steve Ozug. Senator
Pero gave a brief history of the committee’s history and charge, which was to insure
academic decision become more faculty- and professional staff-inclusive.
Specifically, the Senate and the college president charged the committee with
developing a closed-loop academic decision-making process. Their
recommendations were to be ready by the end of the Spring 2012 semester. As A.
Ucci has become Acting Associate Academic VP, a new Senate team member is
needed if the initiative is to continue.
Extensive discussion ensued—of the committee’s charge and of the
fact that the committee had not completed its mission in the timeframe originally
set. The Senate debated recommendations to make to the college President and
his team for this joint initiative, and it was decided that, both for the
benefit of new Senate members and to insure a thoughtful recommendation, the “Consensus
Best Practices in Academic Decision-Making” list garnered from the May 11, 2011 and November 30, 2011
roundtable discussions of college-wide governance be re-distributed via Senate
Secretary Jeanne Grandchamp to senators prior to the next meeting on September
10. Governance & Transparency committee member Sharon Pero will also send
out the joint committee’s original charge prior to the next Senate meeting.
meeting was adjourned at 4:17 p.m.
submitted, J. Grandchamp, Secretary, Faculty & Professional Staff Senate