Monday, November 28, 2016

Minutes of October 24, 2016

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, October 24, 2016
Room J211 3:15pm

Senators in attendance:  R. Worthington, C. Almeida, J. Corven, D. Behuniak, D. Quenga, G. Hamel, R. Rebelo, H. Tinberg, J. Boulay, J. Jodoin, K. Fassbender, D. Avedikian, K. Plante, D. St. George, M. Hyde, L. Neubert, M. Geary, J. Barry, J. Pelletier, K. Hiller, J. Constantine, J. Emond, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk
Absences: J. Dekkers-Mitchell, A. Marden, K. Woldegiorgis
Excused Absences: S. Ferreira, J. Bjornson, M. K. Roberts
Two guests attended this meeting.
Meeting called to order:  3:17 pm
Minutes:  Minutes from October 11 were reviewed and approved with a modification to note Jenn facilitated the meeting and Deb took minutes.
Division Reports
·         Division 1: The English Department has had conversations with the Testing Center about having the student placement test typed rather than handwritten. Questions were raised as to whether the student writing could be saved in the event the re-tested.
·         Division 2: Gen Ed discussion; OER resources for students; certificate of achievement in Native American Studies (to CWCC) online for teachers in FR; look at process of who is consulted
·         Division 3:
·         Division 4: Anna Strachoff, who passed away in March, has a scholarship fund in progress. There is currently $4k available, but need $15k is needed for a Foundation endowment. Patty Schryver is arranging a wine giveaway with a minimum $20 donation; contact for more information.
·         Division 5: Adrienne Foster is collecting information on Gen Ed from Division 5. The division is looking at the price of textbooks and the required bundle code. There are 2 science labs remaining in the E building after the opening of the J building.
Update on Strategic Goal
A. Collaboration
·         Senate input on All-Academic Meeting Agendas: VP Sethares has offered the opportunity to the Senate; Howard and Jenn solicited topics from Senate for their meeting with him.
·         Representative to Academic Vice-President’s Council: VP Sethares should discuss process soon; previously Executive Committee members of the Senate were invited to attend, but this change would have a consistent Senate representative at the table.
o    Questions were raised about the process for sharing information, what the draft position will look like, how reassigned time would work for professional staff, and what role he or she might play in the larger picture.
B. Academic Support and Retention
·         The Joint Task Force on Academic Support and Retention will officially begin their work.
o    In the August 2016, President Sbrega convened a group to respond to Senate’s Task Force on Academic Support and Retention report and recommendations; however, it was not conveyed it was beginning of task force.
o    Representation of various stakeholders
o    Charge? Plan spring summit of retention
·         Spring Summit on Support and Retention:
o    The Spring Professional Day in March will focus on this theme and it will be an opportunity to see what data is collected from various sectors, what this data tells us, and how things are followed through. Planners and participants will need to think outside the box (not solely presentations), and include active workshops and brainstorming.
o    Senators are asked to send ideas to Howard for consideration when the group convenes. The following suggestions were discussed.
§  Should focus on practical solutions (e.g., classroom level, campus level); how students can feel more at home, more connected, more invested.
§  Start by asking program coordinators, directors, advisors about concerns heard from students upon entering program. Have participants come up with possible solutions then implement during following academic year. Share results and progress at All Academic meetings.
§  Target students who are entering college, floundering students, etc.
§  What are best practices? Why are we not engaging in them? What programs are working? Why are they working?
§  Could we foster a community similar to programs like Nursing for larger programs such as General Studies?
§  How could MapWorks be used toward this end? How could the student voice be incorporated?
§  When students matriculate, are we transparent with them about expectation?
§  How can various areas begin to collaborate?
§  Could the Alumni Association participate in this effort? Could alumni serve as role models for students and have frank discussions with them?
§  How do faulty metrics impact success (e.g., 150% time used to measure community college success)?
C. Whole Student Initiative
·         Charge of the Joint Task Force on Student Need will be to acquire and aggregate current data on the economic challenges facing our students that affect academic performance. Specifically, how do economic pressures impact work and school balance?
o    Next Steps: Solicit volunteers; promote to VP Sethares and President Sbrega
o    Consider attrition rates of those in programs and those who are not.
o    Consider what stakeholders should be represented. While many groups are looking at these problems, there currently is not a faculty voice. The last Senate meeting highlighted some other committees that are exploring student need.
D. Curricular Alignment and Integration
·         Because AVP Ucci’s proposal is related to the Senate’s goal of curricular alignment across campuses, a recommendation was made to combine alignment task force with Joint Task Force on Curriculum Development Process; the charge for this new task force will need to be revisited.
·         Currently, there is not consistency across divisions in curriculum process; established transparent processes are needed.
·         There is also disconnect between CWCC and BHE; changes from BHE can create a program different than what was approved by CWCC.

Meeting Adjourned:  4:19 pm
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Minutes of October 11, 2016

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Room B102 3:15 pm

Senators in attendance: J. Pelletier, D. St. George, R. Worthington, J. Boulay, L. Neubert, L. Delano-Botelho, J. Corven, B. French, J. Constantine, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk, J. Bjornson, M. Geary, G. Hamel, D. Quenga, K.  Plante, C. Almeida, M. Hyde, D. Avedikian, S. Ferreira, K. Fassbender, J. Emond, J. Barry
Absences: R. Rebelo, M. Roberts, K. Woldegiorgis, J. Dekkers-Mitchel, A. Marden, M. Roberts
Excused Absences: H. Tinberg, K. Hiller, D. Behuniak
Special Guest: Anthony Ucci
One guest attended this meeting.
Meeting called to order:  3:15 pm
Minutes:  Minutes from September were reviewed and approved without abstention.
NoteJenn Boulay facilitated the meeting and Debra St. George took minutes.
Welcome and Introductions
Secretary Boulay announced that all 29 Senate slots have been filled. She also welcomed Debra St. George as Vice President.  
Division Reports
·         Division 1: Representatives from the Writing Center have been offering workshops to provide students with a general overview of what the Writing Center is, where it can be found and why students should  seek their assistance. It is presented either as a 15 minute talk or a 50 minute simulated tutoring session that is conducted in the classroom. Thus far 40 presentations have taken place over 4 campuses.
The BCC Holocaust Center and LusoCentro have partnered to present The Consul of Bordeaux - a new film about Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Portuguese consul in Bordeaux who saved over 30,000 lives from Nazi persecution. Additional collaborative endeavors are scheduled will be presented over the fall semester.

·         Division 2: Newly acquired space in E Building will be converted to house the Psychology Club, a Pathway for Psychology Program and a criminalist lab.

·         Division 5: Most laboratories have moved to J Building. Two Chemistry labs remain in E205.
Whole Student Initiative
Subcommittees addressing barriers for students at BCC in addition to academics were discussed:
·         The Retention council which includes the Hunger Committee is looking into expanding the Food Pantry to campuses other than Fall River. Transportation among campuses is another topic to be explored. Parking in New Bedford was also identified as a hardship for students. Suggestions were made to offer reduced fee or free parking for students as parking is free in specific garages for faculty.

·         The Expanding Student Engagement is co-chaired by Kathy Burns and Cheryl Sclar; no report available
·         The “No Name Committee” is looking into academic support and student retention but quantitative data is not yet available.
It is difficult to identify the at risk student unless they self identify. Map-Works can be as a means of gathering data on students in need if utilized more extensively. Faculty and Staff were encouraged to promote students’ taking the Map-Works survey by October 31, 2016.
NEASC Working Groups
Four subgroups are working to complete a draft report due in November. The groups include:
·         Advising
·         Dual Enrollment
·         Shared Governance
·         Outcomes assessment
Feedback from Shared Governance indicated that illustrating communication and transparency were goals. Monthly reports will be posted to the all share drive as monthly report feedback varies among divisions.  
Invited Speaker
 Associate Vic President for Academic Affairs Anthony Ucci presented two Academic Initiatives:
·         Coordinated Guided Pathway to Success
Many BCC students encounter problems with progression through their course of study due to a lack of college readiness. For example, 45% of students need developmental Math before they can move on and graduate. This scenario leads to students becoming discouraged and leaving school. AVP Ucci recommended that the College schedule classes, realign resources more successfully and build teams to work together to better meet student needs. Extended discussion ensued, but more work is needed.
·         Curriculum Development
AVP Ucci asked for volunteers to participate in a task force to review the curriculum development process. There is a need for correlation between the Board of higher Education and the College Wide Curriculum Committee.
Title III
Constituents provided feedback on why so few proposals were submitted from faculty and professional staff. Comments included:
·         The need for a longer window of time
·         Clarification on difference between a Title III proposal and Strategic Plan proposals
·         Recovery from work to rule required
·         A team initiative rather than individual input was needed to address the scope of Title III
Meeting Adjourned:  4:20 pm
Respectfully submitted, Debra St. George, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Vice President

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Minutes of September 19, 2016

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, September 19, 2016
Room H129 3:15 pm

Senators in attendance:  Robyn Worthington, Carlos Almeida, Livia Neubert, Jim Pelletier, Sil Ferreira, Geraldine Hamel, Dan Avedikian, Deb St. George, Mike Geary, Jacci Barry, Jenn Boulay, Howard Tinberg, Debra Quenga, Marie Roberts, Mary Hyde, Jon Bjornson, Jim Corven Dana Behuniak, Ric Rebelo, Kelly Fassbender, Julie Jodoin-Krauzyk, Lisa Delano-Botelho, James Emond, Debra Quenga,
Absences:, Jennifer Dekkers-Mitchell, Kelemu Woldegiorgis, Jim Constantine
Excused Absences: Kelli Hiller, Amy Marden
Nine guests attended this meeting.
Special guests included Joyce Brennan and Holly Pappas.
Meeting called to order:  3:12 pm
Welcome and Introductions:
President Tinberg welcomed new and returning Senators.
Minutes:  Minutes from September 1 meeting were approved with abstentions due to absences.
Division Reports
·         Division 1: ESL students could benefit from additional supports— ESL is not currently offered in Taunton or Attleboro; letters from Enrollment can be confusing and are not translated to other languages. A discussion followed regarding access to bilingual forms during admissions and whether the Portuguese and Spanish Interpreting Programs can help.
·         Division 4: Faculty members obtained doctoral degrees
·         Lash: The K building is closed after hours and students don’t have access to the computer lab as a result. A discussion followed regarding equitable distribution of resources across campuses.
·         Advising: Some college policies create red tape that can impair student success (e.g., purge for nonpayment or missing financial aid paperwork).
Vote on Senate Strategic Goals 2016-17
·         A motion was made and passed unanimously to approve the proposed strategic goals for AY 2016-17. They include curricular alignment and integration, culture of collaboration, and a whole student initiative (ongoing goals from last year: governance, student support and retention).
Invited Speaker: Joyce Brennan, Vice President, College Communications
·         Vice President Brennan introduced herself to the Senate, provided her personal background, and offered some updates and goals for College Communications.
·         Background: Started at BCC on August 1, 2016, she knows the local community and has worked in a similar capacity at Southcoast Health (team structure that supports external entities)
·         Update: She has begun working on a strategic plan with her department and has begun auditing their social media strategy (e.g., what are they promoting and who are they targeting).
·         Goals:
o    Finding and sharing faculty stories
o    Soliciting feedback from Senate
o    Tapping into new audiences (adult learners, veterans)
o    Plans to come back to share communication plan, once assembled
·         Website: Contract was on her desk upon hire, but she just left a website revamp at Southcoast Health and felt further exploration was needed before paying for a revision. Overall, she finds the website needs work, is confusing and is not student-friendly. RFP will be put out and the company that did the groundwork could be rehired. She plans to come back to the Senate with a concept for the website first. She hopes to become a strategic partner with the Senate on this work.
Follow up: Task Force Report on Student Retention/Academic Support and Meeting with Administration
·         The Senate conducted an electronic vote on whether the Senate should join the proposed task force and it was approved.
·         President Tinberg will follow up with the administration to discuss a timeline and charge for the group. He will propose a plan for a college-wide conversation such as a retention summit for the spring.
Update on General Education Review
·         Holly presented draft competencies to the Senate. They are critical reading and analysis, scientific reading and discovery, quantitative and symbolic reasoning, global and historical awareness, multicultural and social perspectives, ethical dimensions, and information and technical literacy. Additional work is needed for written and oral communication, and humanities.
·         Some competencies were previously approved, but not implemented.
·         Bloom’s Taxonomy was used for draft competencies in an effort to make them more assessable.
·         She proposed a possible assessment day for assessing the proposed competencies.
·         Next, members of the group will attend the monthly division and program chairs meetings to solicit feedback from faculty.
·         Draft competencies will be shared with the Senate in a Google Doc and Senators are encouraged to join the taskforce.
·         President Tinberg commended the group for using the AI process as it was intended.
Update on NEASC Working Groups
·         Update was provided at professional staff meeting prior to the Senate meeting.
o    Governance: They are looking at models of shared governance and are composing draft language for NEASC. They are referencing the Central Committee’s findings on the committee structure at the college. New AI proposals have been submitted to President Tinberg and Secretary Boulay, which will be shared with Senators at the next meeting. A discussion followed regarding who is initiating, who is signing off on initiatives, and what are the implications for doing so. Constituent access to college monthly reports was also discussed. There should be a central repository so all college members have access to this information.
·         ODS is identifying testing space. They proctored almost 800 exams in Fall River last year; however, the existing ODS space is not conducive. They are looking for low-cost proposal for a classroom near ODS. The question was raised as to whether the Senate can assist with this and if the Academic Initiative (AIE form should be used.
·         A question was raised as to whether the college would reduce costs by having certifications done internally.
Meeting Adjourned:  4:19 pm
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Minutes of Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Thursday, September 1, 2016
Room H129 3:00 pm

Senators in attendance:  Robyn Worthington, Mary Hyde, Carlos Almeida, Livia Neubert, Jim Pelletier, Sil Ferreira, Geraldine Hamel, Dan Avedikian, Deb St. George, Mike Geary, Jacci Barry, Jim Constantine, Julie Jodoin-Krauzyk, Jenn Boulay, Howard Tinberg
Absences: Jon Bjornson, Jim Corven, Jennifer Dekkers-Mitchell, Amy Marden, Marie Roberts, Kelemu Woldegiorgis
Excused Absences: Lisa Delano-Botelho, Kelli Hiller, Dana Behuniak, Ric Rebello
Three guests attended this meeting.
Meeting called to order:  3:12 pm
Sharon Pero resigned from her position as Senate vice president due to health reasons; the Executive Committee will appoint a Senator to serve out her term, per the by-laws.
Robyn Worthington is now a new full-time faculty member and Mike Geary is now the coordinator for the Writing Center.
Welcome and Introductions:
President Tinberg welcomed new and returning Senators.
Minutes:  Minutes from May were approved with abstentions due to absences.
Draft Senate Strategic Goals 2016-17 (see draft language)
·         Senators were provided with draft strategic goals for the Senate; they will be voted on at next meeting.
·         The draft goals were constructed as a result of the annual summer retreat and considered the past, present, and future.
·         Proposed Goals are as follows:
1.    Curricular Alignment and Integration:  Determine the extent to which curricular offerings are consistent across all campuses.  If such alignment is not present, offer recommendations to provide curricular consistency.
a.    With administration constitute a Joint Task Force on Curricular Alignment across Campuses whose charge will be to assess the consistency of current offerings and, if appropriate, offer recommendation to correct alignment.
b.    Invite the chairs of Division Curriculum and the All-College Curriculum Committees to share with the Senate their observations regarding curriculum alignment across campuses
c.     Responsibility:  Senate President; Reports:  All Senate Meetings
                                          i.    Discussion: How will physical space relate to curricular support? Is there equity among campuses? What role does transportation play (e.g., CATCH casino only at Taunton, astronomy equipment outside of Fall River)?
2.    A Culture of Collaboration:  Take steps to improve collaboration regarding academic matters across all relevant sectors across the college.
a.    Follow through on a current proposal offered that the Senate have a permanent representative on the Vice-President’s Council.  The Senate will recommend that it designates the colleague who will serve in this position.
b.    The Senate EC will continue to meet monthly with the President and Vice-President of Academic Affairs to promote further exchange of information and collaboration
c.     Propose that the Senate provide input on the agendas for All-Academic Meetings
d.    Responsibility: Senate Vice-President;     Reports:  All Senate Meetings
                                          i.    Discussion about new appointment on academic vice president’s council: Will Senate be involved in the selection process? Will new representative have an ad hoc seat on the Senate? Will Senate by-laws need to be changed?
                                         ii.    Discussion about Executive Committee’s monthly meetings with President Sbrega and Vice President Sethares: Should this also include Vice President Ozug and Vice President Garganta?
                                        iii.    Discussion regarding all academic meeting agendas: Will Senate provide significant input or have time allotted at each meeting?
3.    The Whole Student Initiative: Work to acquire, and aggregate current, data on the economic challenges facing our students that affect academic performance.
a.    Create and constitute a Joint Task Force on Student Need whose charge will include the following:
                                                 i.    design and distribute a survey of students on their economic needs as those needs affect academic work
                                                ii.    conduct focus groups on students’ economic well-being
                                              iii.    consolidate current data on student needs
                                               iv.    distribute data acquired to ALL instructional staff, full and part-time
                                                v.    offer data-driven recommendations that will enhance students’ opportunity to succeed academically
                                               vi.    Responsibility: Chair(s) of Joint Task Force/Senate Secretary;  Reports: October, April, May 
1.    Discussion: Would the proposed joint task force on student need be able to merge with the existing hunger committee or the no-name committee that is working on a student survey? When the Commonwealth Honors Students explored student needs as a research topic, VP Gabbovitch indicated that some Pell-eligible students do not apply—why not? Should the Faculty and Professional Staff Senate include a student member? In an effort to avoid duplication of committees, are there existing committees exploring these topics? How do the different student needs at various campuses impact their academic success (e.g., taking BIO 111 without a sufficient math background)?
On-going Goals and Activities:
4.    Governance: Work toward the implementation of the joint Senate/Administration goal:  Establish a clear, inclusive, closed-loop process for academic decision-making, including timelines, identification of stakeholders, clear roles & responsibilities, broad input, and verification that stakeholder input was heard.
a.    Implement new “Senate Protocol for Responding to Academic Initiatives”
b.    Monitor college use of the Academic Initiatives guidelines and process
c.     Monitor, and report on, the work of the various NEASC “Working Groups”
d.    Responsibility:  Senate President; Reports:  All Senate Meetings
a.    Opportunities: inclusive closed-loop process via AI form; Title III grant (meet with consultants); look at general education and civic learning initiatives
5.    Academic Support and Student Retention: Drawing upon the report of the Senate Task Force on Academic Support and Student Retention, work to convene a full, frank, and productive college-wide discussion of academic support and student retention.
a.    With administration, Plan a “Summit on Retention,” to which all stakeholders are invited to participate and from which clear and actionable recommendations, with timeline,  follow
b.    Responsibility:   Senate President/Former Task Force Chair; Reports: September, November, February, April, May
                                          i.    Possible opportunities: retention summit; joint task force on student retention and academic support
Follow up: Task Force Report on Student Retention/Academic Support and Meeting with Administration
·         President Sbrega emailed a response praising the Senate committee’s work and then convened a group of administrators, Senate members and Senate task force members
·         A discussion followed as to whether the Senate should participate in a formal task force. If so, there should be a clear charge, timeline, and outcomes.
·         A motion was passed to have the Secretary contact Senate members to participate in an electronic vote  to decide whether or not the Senate should participate in the proposed joint task force
·         The following motion was passed:
o    The Secretary will contact Senate members to electronically vote on whether or not the Senate will join the proposed joint task force
·         Senate members were invited to join the College-wide Retention Council.

·         A date will soon be set for the Grandchamp Lecture.

Meeting Adjourned:  4:01 pm
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary