Community College
& Professional Staff Senate Meeting
of Tuesday, October 11, 2016
B102 3:15 pm
Senators in attendance: J. Pelletier, D. St. George, R.
Worthington, J. Boulay, L. Neubert, L. Delano-Botelho, J. Corven, B. French, J.
Constantine, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk, J. Bjornson, M. Geary, G. Hamel, D. Quenga, K. Plante, C. Almeida, M. Hyde, D. Avedikian, S. Ferreira,
K. Fassbender, J. Emond, J. Barry
Absences: R. Rebelo, M. Roberts, K. Woldegiorgis, J. Dekkers-Mitchel,
A. Marden, M. Roberts
Excused Absences: H. Tinberg, K. Hiller, D. Behuniak
Special Guest: Anthony Ucci
One guest attended this meeting.
Meeting called to
order: 3:15 pm
Minutes: Minutes from September were reviewed and
approved without abstention.
Note: Jenn Boulay facilitated the meeting and Debra St. George took minutes.
Note: Jenn Boulay facilitated the meeting and Debra St. George took minutes.
Welcome and
Secretary Boulay announced that all 29 Senate slots have
been filled. She also welcomed Debra St. George as Vice President.
Division Reports
Division 1: Representatives from the Writing
Center have been offering workshops to provide students with a general overview
of what the Writing Center is, where it can be found and why students
should seek their assistance. It is
presented either as a 15 minute talk or a 50 minute simulated tutoring session
that is conducted in the classroom. Thus far 40 presentations have taken place
over 4 campuses.
The BCC Holocaust Center and LusoCentro have partnered to
present The Consul of Bordeaux - a new film about Aristides de Sousa
Mendes, Portuguese consul in Bordeaux who saved over 30,000 lives from Nazi
persecution. Additional collaborative endeavors are scheduled will be presented
over the fall semester.
Division 2: Newly acquired space in E Building
will be converted to house the Psychology Club, a Pathway for Psychology
Program and a criminalist lab.
Division 5: Most laboratories have moved to J
Building. Two Chemistry labs remain in E205.
Whole Student
Subcommittees addressing barriers for students at BCC in
addition to academics were discussed:
The Retention council which includes the Hunger Committee is looking into
expanding the Food Pantry to campuses other than Fall River. Transportation
among campuses is another topic to be explored. Parking in New Bedford was also
identified as a hardship for students. Suggestions were made to offer reduced
fee or free parking for students as parking is free in specific garages for
The Expanding
Student Engagement is co-chaired by Kathy Burns and Cheryl Sclar;
no report available
The “No Name Committee” is looking into academic
support and student retention but quantitative data is not yet available.
It is difficult to identify the at risk student unless they
self identify. Map-Works can be as a means of gathering data on students in
need if utilized more extensively. Faculty and Staff were encouraged to promote
students’ taking the Map-Works survey by October 31, 2016.
NEASC Working Groups
Four subgroups are working to complete a draft report due in
November. The groups include:
Dual Enrollment
Shared Governance
Outcomes assessment
Feedback from Shared Governance indicated that illustrating communication
and transparency were goals. Monthly reports will be posted to the all share
drive as monthly report feedback varies among divisions.
Invited Speaker
Associate Vic
President for Academic Affairs Anthony Ucci presented two Academic Initiatives:
Coordinated Guided Pathway to Success
Many BCC students encounter problems with progression
through their course of study due to a lack of college readiness. For example,
45% of students need developmental Math before they can move on and graduate.
This scenario leads to students becoming discouraged and leaving school. AVP
Ucci recommended that the College schedule classes, realign resources more
successfully and build teams to work together to better meet student needs.
Extended discussion ensued, but more work is needed.
Curriculum Development
AVP Ucci asked for volunteers to participate in a task force
to review the curriculum development process. There is a need for correlation
between the Board of higher Education and the College Wide Curriculum
Title III
Constituents provided feedback on why so few proposals were
submitted from faculty and professional staff. Comments included:
The need for a longer window of time
Clarification on difference between a Title III
proposal and Strategic Plan proposals
Recovery from work to rule required
A team initiative rather than individual input
was needed to address the scope of Title III
Adjourned: 4:20 pm
Respectfully submitted, Debra St.
George, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Vice President