Monday, November 28, 2016

Minutes of October 24, 2016

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, October 24, 2016
Room J211 3:15pm

Senators in attendance:  R. Worthington, C. Almeida, J. Corven, D. Behuniak, D. Quenga, G. Hamel, R. Rebelo, H. Tinberg, J. Boulay, J. Jodoin, K. Fassbender, D. Avedikian, K. Plante, D. St. George, M. Hyde, L. Neubert, M. Geary, J. Barry, J. Pelletier, K. Hiller, J. Constantine, J. Emond, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk
Absences: J. Dekkers-Mitchell, A. Marden, K. Woldegiorgis
Excused Absences: S. Ferreira, J. Bjornson, M. K. Roberts
Two guests attended this meeting.
Meeting called to order:  3:17 pm
Minutes:  Minutes from October 11 were reviewed and approved with a modification to note Jenn facilitated the meeting and Deb took minutes.
Division Reports
·         Division 1: The English Department has had conversations with the Testing Center about having the student placement test typed rather than handwritten. Questions were raised as to whether the student writing could be saved in the event the re-tested.
·         Division 2: Gen Ed discussion; OER resources for students; certificate of achievement in Native American Studies (to CWCC) online for teachers in FR; look at process of who is consulted
·         Division 3:
·         Division 4: Anna Strachoff, who passed away in March, has a scholarship fund in progress. There is currently $4k available, but need $15k is needed for a Foundation endowment. Patty Schryver is arranging a wine giveaway with a minimum $20 donation; contact for more information.
·         Division 5: Adrienne Foster is collecting information on Gen Ed from Division 5. The division is looking at the price of textbooks and the required bundle code. There are 2 science labs remaining in the E building after the opening of the J building.
Update on Strategic Goal
A. Collaboration
·         Senate input on All-Academic Meeting Agendas: VP Sethares has offered the opportunity to the Senate; Howard and Jenn solicited topics from Senate for their meeting with him.
·         Representative to Academic Vice-President’s Council: VP Sethares should discuss process soon; previously Executive Committee members of the Senate were invited to attend, but this change would have a consistent Senate representative at the table.
o    Questions were raised about the process for sharing information, what the draft position will look like, how reassigned time would work for professional staff, and what role he or she might play in the larger picture.
B. Academic Support and Retention
·         The Joint Task Force on Academic Support and Retention will officially begin their work.
o    In the August 2016, President Sbrega convened a group to respond to Senate’s Task Force on Academic Support and Retention report and recommendations; however, it was not conveyed it was beginning of task force.
o    Representation of various stakeholders
o    Charge? Plan spring summit of retention
·         Spring Summit on Support and Retention:
o    The Spring Professional Day in March will focus on this theme and it will be an opportunity to see what data is collected from various sectors, what this data tells us, and how things are followed through. Planners and participants will need to think outside the box (not solely presentations), and include active workshops and brainstorming.
o    Senators are asked to send ideas to Howard for consideration when the group convenes. The following suggestions were discussed.
§  Should focus on practical solutions (e.g., classroom level, campus level); how students can feel more at home, more connected, more invested.
§  Start by asking program coordinators, directors, advisors about concerns heard from students upon entering program. Have participants come up with possible solutions then implement during following academic year. Share results and progress at All Academic meetings.
§  Target students who are entering college, floundering students, etc.
§  What are best practices? Why are we not engaging in them? What programs are working? Why are they working?
§  Could we foster a community similar to programs like Nursing for larger programs such as General Studies?
§  How could MapWorks be used toward this end? How could the student voice be incorporated?
§  When students matriculate, are we transparent with them about expectation?
§  How can various areas begin to collaborate?
§  Could the Alumni Association participate in this effort? Could alumni serve as role models for students and have frank discussions with them?
§  How do faulty metrics impact success (e.g., 150% time used to measure community college success)?
C. Whole Student Initiative
·         Charge of the Joint Task Force on Student Need will be to acquire and aggregate current data on the economic challenges facing our students that affect academic performance. Specifically, how do economic pressures impact work and school balance?
o    Next Steps: Solicit volunteers; promote to VP Sethares and President Sbrega
o    Consider attrition rates of those in programs and those who are not.
o    Consider what stakeholders should be represented. While many groups are looking at these problems, there currently is not a faculty voice. The last Senate meeting highlighted some other committees that are exploring student need.
D. Curricular Alignment and Integration
·         Because AVP Ucci’s proposal is related to the Senate’s goal of curricular alignment across campuses, a recommendation was made to combine alignment task force with Joint Task Force on Curriculum Development Process; the charge for this new task force will need to be revisited.
·         Currently, there is not consistency across divisions in curriculum process; established transparent processes are needed.
·         There is also disconnect between CWCC and BHE; changes from BHE can create a program different than what was approved by CWCC.

Meeting Adjourned:  4:19 pm
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary