Bristol Community College
Faculty &
Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday
April 2, 2012
H210 3:15 p.m.
in attendance: Tom Grady, Jeanne Grandchamp, Greg Sethares, James Pelletier (had to leave
early for class in NB),
Susan McCourt, Ron Weisberger, Debra St. George, Howard Tinberg, Sharon Pero,
Martha Williams, Anthony Ucci, Jim Constantine, Sil Ferreira, Nan Loggains,
Marlene Pollock, David Warr
Absences: C. Leonard, J. Rose, G. Adler
T. McGarty, S. Adams, P. Robillard, S. Gabb
D. Lawton & D. Feeney (for the Joint Senate/Administration Advisement
Committee), M. Men, T. Goltermann, A. Ibara, E. Shea, W. Kelly, B. Bauman, C.
Adamowicz, M. Kelly, S. Kocur, P. Wentworth, Erik Bauman, S. Boissoneault, D.
meeting was called to order by President Sethares at 3:15 p.m.
MINUTES: Minutes from February 27, 2012
were reviewed and approved unanimously.
Academic Decision-Making & Transparency: Senate President Greg Sethares
offered an overview of what have become the two joint Senate/Administration
initiatives regarding decision-making and transparency. Project #1, to
establish a clear, inclusive, closed-loop process for academic decision-making,
was described and discussed first. For this process, Sharon Pero, Steve Ozug,
Anthony Ucci, Sarah Garrett, Deb St. George and David Feeney have been asked to
form a committee, working under a timeline. Four weeks from today, April 30, is
the date set for their initial recommendations re: a decision-making process; by
May 7, final recommendations are expected; by May 14, the college president
will report to the college community on an action plan for implementation of
project recommendations. Project #2 will be undertaken to draft a list of
agreed-upon best practices in decision making (culled from the May 11 and
November 30 joint discussions last year) with the top three of these
agreed-upon best practices becoming the plan for next year’s Senate/Administration
work. The President’s Council has considered and has forwarded its top five
best practices. An online survey of constituents will be undertaken to
determine constituents’ top concerns; Senate feedback will also be considered.
President Council’s, Senate’s and constituents’ feedback will be considered together
to determine the top three agreed-upon best practices to be worked upon.
Elections and By-Laws Announcement: NEB-L Chair Susan McCourt reminded Senators of their need to
self-nominate if they are eligible for the upcoming Senate election and hope to
serve another term.
Senate/Administration Advisement Committee Update: Professor Deborah
Lawton and Administration’s representative David Feeney, co-chairs of the
special Advisement Committee, presented an update of the committee’s work. Among
the anticipated recommendations: 1) implementing a variety of methods to offer
students advisement (e.g. having face-to-face and online advisement, (potentially)
allowing full time faculty to work in an advisement center, having more group
advisement for programs, etc.); 2) making better use of available technology
(e.g. requiring the use of Degreeworks within three years, developing a
remotely accessible system for students to sign up for advisement appointments,
etc.); 3) beginning to emphasize advisement throughout the academic year (e.g.
instituting a permanent advisement center, orienting students to Degreeworks,
creating a template for program coordinators—a document for programs to help
students prepare for advisement; 4) collecting data to assess the Advisement
Program consistently to determine what about advisement is working and what
needs improvement. Discussion was held, during which Dave Feeney and Deb Lawton
noted they were taking suggestions from today’s discussion back to the committee,
which will be meeting in April. Following this April meeting, they hoped to
bring the full recommendations to a wider BCC audience. Before the closing of
the discussion, those attending were reminded that advisor training is in the
process of being posted in modules online and that Trish Goltermann and Makna
Men are available to answer advisor questions during the upcoming advisement
meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
submitted, J. Grandchamp, Secretary, Faculty & Professional Staff Senate