Thursday, April 3, 2014

Minutes of Monday, February 10, 2014

Bristol Community College
Faculty and Professional Staff Senate
Monday, February10, 2014
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.


Senators in attendance: Johanna Duponte, Betsy French, JP Nadeau, Howard Tinberg, Rebecca Clark, Martha Williams, Cecil Leonard, , Jim Pelletier, Susan McCourt, Kelemu Woldegiorgis, Jean Myles, , Ron Weisberger, Cindy Poore-Pariseau; Holly Pappas, Jim Constantine,Sharon Pero, Cecil Leonard, Alan Rolfe, Robyn Worthington, Gina Heaney, Deb. St. George, Jean Myles,

Excused Absences:  Jeanne Grandchamp, Sandra Lygren, Jennifer Boulet, Tom Grady, Sally Gabb

Absences: Sil Ferreira

The meeting was called to order by President Susan McCourt at 3:15 p.m.

Minutes for Dec. 8 2013 were reviewed and passed, with three abstentions.          

Old Business             
The subject, brought up at an earlier meeting, of whether departments can vote on various matters was discussed. The VP of Academic Affairs, in an email exchange, responded that departments are allowed, even mandated by contract, to vote. 
The question of whether final exam schedules can be made available at times of registration.  VP of Academic Affairs expressed the view that it could be done first week of class.  Registrar confirmed that it can and will be done online.
It was suggested that the Senate should thank administrators for responding promptly and positively.  Administration has already been thanked for their timely and helpful response.
New Business
Senate Nominations and Elections
Article Two of the By-Laws was distributed, stipulating conditions and limits of service, including length of terms.   In addition, a list with all Senators’ terms designated was handed out.
Each senator was encouraged to provide for the EC names of colleagues who might be nominated for Senate service.
Senators concurred that current Senate President, who announced her decision not to continue as President,  has been outstanding, promoting values of transparent and shared governance. 
Background: Task force last met in December, following VP and President’s Council meetings.  .  A concern was expressed that management rights were not explicitly enough stated in the draft document.  That issue remained a concern, apparently.  Once this moved forward, a potential, test project was contemplated.  Also, it was thought that six page form was too cumbersome, and there was repetition. 
Senate at its last meeting had decided to drop participation in committee.  A Senator asked, what would be the perception if  the Senate pulled out of process? Will there be the perception that we aren’t willing to work with management or recognize management rights?
The Senate will request a report of management feedback to the draft proposal and any  revision of the document.  Committee was told of feedback but not seen result of feedback.  Next step:  we ask for feedback in writing and any revision of document.  Senate should see both feedback and revision of document.  A motion was made to send such a request.  The motion, put to a vote, was passed with one abstention. 
Decision-making: A Senator raised the matter of decisions being made from on high without consultation of stakeholders:  specifically, the decision to hasten the moving of a member’s office without that member being brought into the process. 
Advisement:  The matter of the advisement initiation was raised.  The Senate has been old that the college is on target toward meeting initiative’s goals.  Senators noted that 700 students dismissed in last round of disciplinary hearings, because of new process.  Many should not have been dismissed.  Senators had been old there was an “error.” 
Early College:  The local newspaper reported the filing of a charter school application at Durfee.  BCC has been mentioned in connection with this new charter. 
Grandchamp Lecture:  A Senator has recommended that two colleagues be chosen to speak for the Grandchamp Lecture, despite having been invited to speak in a Commonwealth Honors event in February. It was decided that the two be asked to present at the Grandchamp Lecture in April as well.
Meeting adjourned at 4:17pm            

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