Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Minutes of October 26, 2015

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, October 26, 2015
Room B101 3:15pm

Senators in attendance:  M. Geary, J. Flanigan, S. Pero, H. Tinberg, R. Worthington, R. Benya-Soderbom, J. Boulay, K. Hiller, B. French, L. Neubert, S. McCourt, J. Corven, J. Jodoin, L. Delano-Botelho, J. Pelletier, S. Ferreira, R. Amarasingham
Absences: T. Grady, J. Constantine, D. Phillips, C. Leonard
Excused Absences: G. Leeman, D. St. George, J. Mbugua
Special Guest: Deb Cohen
Six guests attended this meeting.
Meeting called to order:  3:20 pm, quorum 3:39
Minutes:  Minutes from October 5th were reviewed and approved with no abstentions.
Advisement Matters
Dean of Advising, Deb Cohen, discussed what Advising is currently implementing:
·         The dissemination of the Mapworks survey through CSS courses
·         Academic advisors are now connected to each of the academic divisions (including Lash and Workforce)
o    Goal: Gain a better understanding of student needs within division
·         Advising 101, 102, 103 sessions focus—how to be a successful student (ongoing)
·         Appointment Plus program (online software package; started last year), with a possibility of extending to faculty in the future
o    Will assess how things work this semester
·         Assembling advising task force to explore online advising
·         Updating website for academic advising
·         Weekly submissions to Bristol Buzz by advisors
·         Orientation has now moved to Advising; drawing from some aspects from Division 3 boot camp
·         First annual majors fair to be held February 2nd
Division Reports
·         There were no updates from any of the divisions.
Rolling Out the New Academic Initiative Implementation Guidelines: General Education Competency Review
Task force co-chairs, Secretary Boulay and Holly Pappas, provided an update on the status of the new academic initiative implementation guideline for the general education competency review. They offered a recap of the revisions to the Academic Initiative document (e.g., timeline, communication plan, relevant NEASC standard). President Tinberg will sign this document after minor changes are made (i.e., moving timeline and communication plan to the appendix).
Update on Academic Support and Retention Task Force Charge
President Sbrega sent an email calling for joint task force on student retention. Originally, this task force was to be Senate-run, with a focus on the allocation of resources for academic support to students. The Senate then discussed the benefits and challenges of collaborating with the administration during the initial stages of this initiative. The Senate’s goal is to focus on retention at the intersection of academics across campuses. The following questions were raised by Senate members:
·         How is academic support being defined? Allow committee to decide working definition
·         Could this be part of a larger joint effort?
·         Who is on the existing retention council? Is the process transparent?
·         How willing are students to use academic support?
·         What will be the methodology for work?
·         What do we know? What do we need to know?
·         What do students need that we are not providing?
·         Are there existing services that a student needs beyond academic support?
A motion was passed by the Senate to accept the offer to begin collaborative work with the administration in spring 2016; however, they reserve the right to gather data that it hopes will inform the Senate’s efforts as a serious partner in such collaboration.
General Studies and the Meta-Major
Tabled for next Senate meeting.

Meeting Adjourned:  4:16 pm
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary

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