Monday, August 7, 2017

Coordinated Guided Pathway to Success (GPS)/Academic Map Multi-Semester Cohort Block Scheduling AI


Primary Initiator(s):                     Anthony Ucci                                                             
Department/Division:                  Central Academic Affairs                        
Telephone # & Extension:           x2127                                                   Date:     9/13/16         

Initial Proposal

Working Title of Proposed Project:  Coordinated Guided Pathway to Success (GPS)/Academic Map Multi-Semester Consistent Cohort Block Scheduling

Working Summary of Project – Include required resources (not to exceed one page in length):

This project will bring stakeholders from various parts/divisions of the College together to build schedules for the various programs at the college.  Schedule aspects that will be taken into consideration include but are not limited to:
·         Recommended or partially reserved sections for specific programs to encourage the development of cohorts.
·         Convenient schedules with appropriate amounts of unscheduled times (i.e. avoid multiple short days and/or large gaps between classes).
·         Consistent schedule blocks from semesters to semester to minimize disruption to & schedule conflicts with outside responsibilities.
·         Recommended schedules that take into consideration actual student loads (i.e. PT vs. FT, number of credits) developmental education and prerequisite requirements (as opposed to our catalog recommended schedules that are overly optimistic).
·         Schedule that is based on the number of sections required for student to meet program requirements at all college location where a program is being offered.
·         The possibility of a default registration process for student the opt-in to the program.

Additional academic support aspects may be integrated into this process where appropriate including:
·         Program specific learning communities and/or faculty teams.
·         Use of co-requites systems of courses (ENG & MTH) to reduce the number of semesters required to complete degrees.
·         Contextualized content in cohort program courses (especially helpful in developmental courses – answer “why do I have to do this?”).
·         Proactive advising, Tutoring/SI, Extracurricular activities & other services that are organized matched with cohort schedule.

The potential benefits of this process (many of which are well supported by research on similar recent projects) include:
·         Greater student retention, progress and degree completion.
·         Greater connectivity between faculty team members - which has the potential of a more cohesive learning experience for students.
·         Fewer cancelled classes

Due Date (please indicate if fixed & why):          11/15/17 for GS-H&LS Pilot & ongoing

Population(s) to be served:                       Eventually all matriculated that do not opt out

Estimated Budget:                                        $0 (This would be a change in SOP not a new activity) 

Identified or requested funding source:               No additional funding requested


         President of F&PS Senate                                                                             __________________________           
                Required for all College-wide Academic Initiatives

              President or his designee, usually Academic V.P.
         Academic VP                                                                     ___________________                                         
                Required for all College-wide Academic Initiatives

NOTE: Approval to Investigate Does NOT Constitute Final Approval

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