Monday, October 2, 2017

Senate Strategic Goals (AY 2017-18)


Mission The name of the organization is the Bristol Community College Faculty and Professional Staff Senate.  Its purpose will be to provide a deliberative body designed to promote shared governance, transparency, collegiality, and mutual trust among faculty and staff and administration.  Further, the Faculty and Professional Staff Senate will provide a forum to enhance academic values and opportunities.

Vision: The Senate will be committed to academic improvement, sustainability, and collaboration. Its work will be connected to the college’s mission and this entity will be fully integrated in academic decision-making and shared governance.

1.       Student Retention and Success
a.       Monitor the implementation of recommendations from the Retention Summit (e.g., process for implementation, timeline and goals, assessment)
b.      Work with College Communications to provide input on the website redesign and campus event calendar
c.       Working with the Outcomes Assessment Fellow, convene a faculty team to create an institutional assessment plan of student learning outcomes
d.      Work with the academic Vice Presidents Council (VPC), and VPC representative to provide input in the course cancellation policy and financial purge.

Responsibility: President and Vice President                       Report: Monthly

2.       Professional Development and Recognition of Employees
a.       Propose greater transparency in the recognition and leadership development of employees
                                                   i.      List leadership programs the college participates in on the website along with criteria, application process, and awardees (e.g., Leadership Southcoast, CCLA, CONNECT Key Talent Leadership, Chair Academy)
                                                 ii.      Publish names of employee award recipients and reason they received award (e.g., Silver Shield, Sceptre and Scroll, NISOD, Pride and Performance, presidential fellowship, sabbaticals)
                                                iii.      Include faculty bios as part of the website redesign
b.      Explore internal opportunities such as mentoring or other opportunities to prepare internal leaders to advance
c.       Propose the Senate’s input on classroom-based strategies for All Academic meetings

Responsibility: President and Vice President               Report: November, February, May

3.       Senate Sustainability
a.       Develop marketing plan for the Senate to increase awareness (e.g., blog, other communication, Senate social, listening sessions)
b.      Establish an ad-hoc Census Committee to construct a census for the next Senate election and provide recommendations
c.       Revise bylaws to provide for better succession planning and internal leadership development
d.      Explore technology for meetings to better include other campuses

Responsibility: President and Secretary             Report: October, January, March, April

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