Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Minutes of Monday, October 23, 2017

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, October 23, 2017
Room L 101 3:15 pm

Senators in attendance:   C. Almeida, S. Alves, D. Avedikian,  J. Barry, D. Behuniak,   J. Bjornson,  J. Boulay,  L. Delano-Botelho, J. Emond,  K. Fassbender, M. Geary, K. Hiller,  M. Hyde, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk, A. Marden, L. Neubert, K. Plante,  D. Quenga, M. Sipala, R. Rebello,  R.  Weisberger, K. Woldegiorgis

Absences: G. Hamel, J. Dekkers , P. Robillard, J. Corven
Excused Absences: R. Rak

Guests: 7 Guests attended this meeting
Meeting called to order:  3:15 pm  

Minutes:  Approved minutes from 10/10/17 meeting

J. Boulay welcomed Senators & Guests

April Bellafiore Announcements regarding distance learning classes:
·         Discussed process re: how a course usually taught as face-to-face becomes an online course
o   Faculty-driven process:  Faculty will speak to their Divisional dean and then April Bellafiore
o   If there is a need and/or a capacity course will be considered
o   Once it is approved and signed off by Divisional Dean, form will move to Academic Affairs for approval
o   Faculty will receive stipend for their work:  This amount has been determined by MCCC contract for Distance Education
o   There is no need for CWCC approval if this is a course already being currently taught
o   Also, department approval is not necessary to move from a face-to-face course to an online course
o   If a faculty wishes to develop a hybrid course, this would require a conversation with their Divisional Dean
§  Hybrid courses are defined as 50% or more instruction on line.
o   There are no specific criteria for students to register for an online course.

Communications and IT Demo new web site:
·         The new changes will update the look as well as the functionality of the BCC website
·         The team is currently working with faculty, students and alum of BCC for feedback
·         Reminded Senate that this is a work in process and what they were viewing is not the finished product
·         Expectations are that the new Website will be “fully responsive” (e.g., no moving curser) and will shrink to fit phones.
·         Expected date to go live is January 2018
·         Addressed question regarding the difficulty searching for items on current BCC website and whether this will change
o   Informed that the search box will be controlled by “Google”:  “Google” will learn by what people most commonly search on the site
o   Suggestion by Senate member:  Consider having directions regarding how to find/search for items on web site
·         Team is looking for student testimonials or stories to share online.  If faculty have someone in mind, could they please refer them to communications?
·         Also, if faculty have specific ideas or if they are interested in helping to edit, please contact communications or IT.

Student Purge Data:
·         Question arose as to why BCC completes the purge
·         Discussed that students find the purge process confusing
·         Is there any data to explore whether students sign up again for classes if they have been purged?
·         Jenn B. will reach out to Kathy G. and Steve K. for information regarding how and why
·         Suggested that it would be beneficial to have this topic discussed at a large forum similar to the “Withdrawal Policy” forum

By Law Revisions:  No concerns at this time
Senate will vote scheduled for 11/20/2017. 

Senate Committees:
o   Nominations Committee:
§   Mike Geary CHAIR
·         Kelli Hiller
·         Debbie Quenga

o   Text Book: 
§  Dana Behuniak CHAIR
·         Alyssa Frezza
·         Julie Jodoin-Krauzyk
·         Lisa Delano-Botelho

o   Census:
o               Kathy Plante CHAIR
·         Kellie Fassbender
·         Dana Behuniak

o   Grandchamp: 
§  Steve Alves CHAIR
·         Jim Pelletier
·         Dana Behuniak
·         Ron Weisberger

Division Updates:
            DIV II: 
·         History Department concerned with number of courses cancelled. 
·         Future concern that this may cause tension between adjunct and full time faculty.
·         Expressed desire to have all academic are meeting discussion regarding course cancellations
·         Nursing students at BCC have a 97% Passing rate on their nursing exams.
·         Changes to the Accuplacer will happen in January of 2019.  This change is coming from the Board of Higher Ed.
·         Questions regarding this should be addressed to Kristen Rezendes in the testing.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:20 pm

Respectfully Submitted:  Lisa Delano-Botelho, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Secretary

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