Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, November 20, 2017
Room L 101 3:15 pm
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, November 20, 2017
Room L 101 3:15 pm
Senators in attendance: C. Almeida, L. Delano-Botelho, R. Weisberger, J. Bjornson, K. Hiller, K. Plante, D. Avedikian, R. Rak, D. Behuniak, J. Boulay, J. Emond, J. Corven, M. Sipala, K. Woldegiorgis, L. Neubert, K. Fassbender, J. Constantine
Absences: R. Rebelo, P. Robillard, M. Roberts, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk, M. Geary, G. Hamel, J. Barry
Excused Absences: S. Alves, D. Quenga
Guests: 7 Guests attended this meeting
Meeting called to order: 3:15 pm
Minutes: Minutes from October 2017 were reviewed. Suggested change was to delete James Emond from committee. Approved unanimously with aforementioned correction.
J. Boulay welcomed Senators & Guests
Anthony Ucci: Discuss
the existing Academic Initiative (A-I) Process for Curriculum development
Some staff report frustration because process
for developing a new program/curriculum is not clearly defined.
A-I in response to faculty request
Plan: 6 person task force including 2
Administrators and 4 Senate Members.
Looking for Senate feedback and approval on
Final Draft
Discussed the differences between CWCC and DHE
forms and process
Stepped process is as
follows: Program originator sends letter of intent to
college; Department review; Divisional Curriculum Committee; CWCC; VPAA and
Board of Trustees; DHE is notified of new Certificate/Concentration (DHE will
review new programs only); College Catalogue
If the Department denies new application, you
may appeal to divisional curriculum committee.
If denied, cannot reapply for 2 years.
Final Recommendations
CWCC New Program Form
Fast Track Proposal Form
CWCC Course Proposal Form
Final Recommendations
CWCC New Program Form
Fast Track Proposal Form
CWCC Course Proposal Form
By Law Revisions: Unanimously passed as is.
1. Retention:
a. Reported that
President requested information from the retention summit be shared.
b. Implemented a Joint Senate
and Admin Group.
c. Suggestion:
Retention summit should be infused into Adjunct Faculty day, Professional Staff
Meetings, Professional Planning Day, etc.
2. Student Purge:
a. Shared info has promoted
greater transparency
b. Suggested that we use time
on Spring Professional Day to think about how to solve problems
3. College Communications:
a. Jenn B. met with college
communications to discuss the process of faculty biographies being posted and
the process for Recognitions/Awards to faculty
b. Problem with the faculty
bios would be the initial process because there would be so many to write.
c. Question regarding who
would be responsible for updating them?
4. Senate Marketing
a. Senate to “look into”
having a Senate section in the BCC weekly.
5. Reminded Senators to
complete the PACE Survey.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:20 pm
Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Delano-Botelho, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Secretary
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