Tuesday, October 27, 2020



Student Retention and Success

·         Follow up on college’s assessment planning with the CTL and monitor the institutional assessment plan of student learning outcomes with active senate participation in planning

o   Create a subcommittee that meets regularly with CTL to facilitate collaboration.

·         Monitor Advising changes and CARE team while actively promoting the new advising process

o   Identify a senator liaison to advising

·         Create a survey to evaluate the online advising process and utilize data collected to identify faculty and students needs.

·         Monitor and help facilitate High impact practices within the classroom and advocate for faculty and staff training.

·         Collaboratively create new student, faculty and staff surveys evaluating the Fall online learning and utilize data collected comparatively with the spring semester evaluation to prepare for spring semester.

·         Monitor the Holistic Admissions Task Force progress in addressing equity issues in admissions for selective health programs.

o   Identify a senator liaison to the Task Force and request periodic updates and encourage the CWI process as needed


Responsibility: President and Vice President                       Report: Monthly


Professional Development and Recognition of Employees

·         Continue monitoring progress on recognition and leadership development of employees

·         List leadership programs the college participates in on the website along with criteria, application process, and awardees.

·         Publish names of employee award recipients and reason they received award.                       

·         Work with LASH and Administration to plan professional development and trainings for the academic year including the following recommendations:

o   Closing the loop on initiatives

o   Just-in time training/professional development

o   Topic-based approach to address the major initiative of the year

o   Include opportunities to reflect on what worked or did not work in prior semesters

o   Consider roundtable discussions of best practices

o   Call for proposals based on themes/tracks

o   Unconference sessions

o   External presenter/keynote tied to themes

·         Create space for sharing scholarly work or conference presentations

·         Create a subcommittee that meets regularly with CTL to facilitate collaboration.

·         Propose the Senate’s input on classroom-based strategies for All Academic meeting planning.

·         Request and support the provision of education and support for faculty and staff in course modalities, advising, and online model to facilitate successful student outcomes.

·         Collaborate with administration to provide faculty support for course modality changes and shifts to an online advising model.

·         Support advising education for corequisite models for developmental English and Math courses

·         Encourage and monitor support of faculty members in high impact practice inclusion models.

·         Facilitate the inclusion of adjunct faculty on the Senate and within college governance                           

·         Evaluate Senate adjunct representation in the 2020-2021 Census

o   Identify a senate liaison to the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Board who will disseminate information to the board and to adjunct faculty.


Responsibility: President and Vice President               Report: Monthly


Senate Sustainability

·         Continue working on a strong marketing plan for the Senate to increase awareness of Senate functionality and the importance of participation. 

·         Establish a clear procedure for Senate Operations and Communication.

o   This will include addressing the reporting responsibilities of each senator within their respective divisions and senate meetings, concern or suggestion reporting process, and meeting process.

o   The senate will also work with administration to establish what falls under the senate purview and how to connect and communicate effectively with administration.

·         Create a census ad-hoc committee to ensure equitable senate representation from academic areas and adjunct faculty

·         Continue to foster a culture of mutual respect, civility, and trust in the Senate and in the interactions with other entities in the institution.

·         Promote the continued use of remote meetings in combination with face to face meetings to facilitate senator participation in the future.


Responsibility: President and Vice President               Report: Monthly



·         Continue to advocate use of and monitor the college wide initiatives using the Senate Protocol for Responding to Academic Initiatives.

o   Work with Central Governance Council to develop a procedure for college wide initiative process using Academic Initiative guidelines and the newly formed Institutional Initiative Form including deadlines for submission and review in the senate.

·         Continue to foster a culture of mutual respect, civility, and trust within the institution.

·         In collaboration with administration, establish shared governance guidelines including but not limited to:

o   A working definition of shared governance

o   Create an aligned set of sustainable outcomes and priorities

o   Identify stakeholders regarding issues of institutional direction

o   Create a system for decisions regarding operational issues including academic programs, budgeting, and student life.

o   Regularly schedule meetings with administration and the Senate Executive Committee

o   Continue to actively support and include the institution’s Strategic plan in Senate planning

o   Advocate for Senate inclusion in the new  governance model and include as college service


Responsibility: President and Vice President                       Report: Monthly


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