Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Faculty and Professional Staff Senate Strategic Goals AY 2018-19


Mission: The name of the organization is the Bristol Community College Faculty and Professional Staff Senate.  Its purpose will be to provide a deliberative body designed to promote shared governance, transparency, collegiality, and mutual trust among faculty and staff and administration.  Further, the Faculty and Professional Staff Senate will provide a forum to enhance academic values and opportunities.

Vision: The Senate will be committed to academic improvement, sustainability, and collaboration. Its work will be connected to the college’s mission and this entity will be fully integrated in academic decision-making and shared governance.

1.     Student Retention and Success
a. Work with Retention Steering Committee and subcommittees to monitor implementation, timeline and goals, and assess retention sustainability measures.
b. Work with the academic Vice Presidents Council (VPC), Student Services and Enrollment Management Vice Presidents Council and VPC representative to provide input in the course cancellation policy and financial purge.
c. Follow up on college’s assessment planning with the Outcomes Assessment Fellow and monitor the institutional assessment plan of student learning outcomes

Responsibility: President and Vice President                       Report: Monthly

2.   Professional Development and Recognition of Employees
a.       Continue monitoring progress on recognition and leadership development of employees
ü  List leadership programs the college participates in on the website along with criteria, application process, and awardees.
ü  Publish names of employee award recipients and reason they received award.
b.   Work with LASH and Administration to plan professional development and trainings for the academic year including the following recommendations:
ü  Closing the loop on initiatives
ü  Just-in time training/professional development
ü  Topic-based approach to address the major initiative of the year
ü  Include opportunities to reflect on what worked or didn’t work in prior semesters
ü  Consider round table discussions of best practices
ü  Call for proposals based on themes/tracks
ü  Un-conference sessions
ü  External presenter/keynote tied to themes
ü  Create space for sharing scholarly work or conference presentations

c.       Propose the Senate’s input on classroom-based strategies for All Academic meetings

Responsibility: President and Vice President               Report: November, February, May

3.   Senate Sustainability
a. Continue working on a strong marketing plan for the Senate to increase awareness. 
b. Establish a clear procedure for Senate Operations and Communication.
ü  This will include addressing the reporting responsibilities of each senator within their respective divisions and senate meetings, concern or suggestion reporting process, and meeting process.
ü  The senate will also work with administration to establish what falls under the senate purview and how to connect and communicate effectively with administration.
c. Monitor the need for a formal census ad-hoc committee
d. Continue to explore technology for meetings to better include other campuses
e. Continue to foster a culture of mutual respect, civility, and trust in the Senate and in the interactions with other entities in the institution.

Responsibility: President and Vice President                       Report: Monthly

4.   Governance
a. Continue to monitor the academic initiatives using the Senate Protocol for Responding to Academic Initiatives.
b. Work with administration to develop a college wide initiative process using Academic Initiative guidelines.
c. Continue to foster a culture of mutual respect, civility, and trust within the institution.
d. In collaboration with administration, establish shared governance guidelines including but not limited to;
ü  A working definition of shared governance
ü  Create an aligned set of sustainable outcomes and priorities
ü  Identify stakeholders regarding issues of institutional direction
ü  Create a system for decisions regarding operational issues including academic programs, budgeting, and student life.

Responsibility: President and Vice President                       Report: Monthly

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Adjunct Faculty Governance Pilot Project AI


Primary Initiator(s): Jo-Ann Pelletier, on behalf of the Central Committee, which reports to President Douglas                                                                                                                                                                   
Department/Division: Information Technology Services
Telephone # & Extension:  774-357-2412                          Date:  1/8/2018
Email: jo-ann.pelletier@bristolcc.edu

Initial Proposal

Working Title of Proposed Project:  Adjunct Faculty Governance Pilot Project

The Central Committee has been discussing ways that the college’s committee system can promote shared governance and increase transparency.  As we reviewed constituencies at Bristol, it was evident that adjunct faculty have the potential to provide valuable input on many established committees.  The Central Committee has developed a plan that would provide adjunct faculty with the opportunity to participate in the college’s governance as a part of a pilot project.   

This pilot project would include most, but not all committees (i.e. not including committees in the Contractual category), and pilot members would participate as a full voting member during the time in which they serve.  The Central Committee believes it is important to ensure participation across academic divisions and will propose a system of weighting to determine the number of adjunct faculty from each division.  The actual population and number of participants will be determined later; however, we expect about 20-25 participants based on the current committee system structure and will look to the academic divisions to provide guidance.

Each adjunct faculty member will be paid a stipend that aligns with the existing contract ($40 per hour for each of the semester in-person meetings) and it will be expected that pilot members will attend each of the meetings scheduled during the pilot semester.  Afterward, we expect to survey adjunct faculty participants as well as existing members and chairs to learn more about the pilot’s impact.  The is a time-limited pilot project and the Central Committee will make recommendations on future plans to President Douglas at the end of this pilot. As a complement to this project, the Central Committee is also looking to update the 2013 Committee System document and this pilot will inform the process to ensure the inclusivity of all constituents at the college.

The Central Committee plans to communicate its plans for this pilot with MCCC union leadership (full-time and adjunct) and the BCC Faculty and Professional Staff Senate leadership.  We would like to see a brief mention of our plans be included as part of Professional Day and its adjunct faculty counterpart in January followed on by a more detailed discussion at the first All-Academic Area Meeting in the spring semester.  Email will be part of the Central Committee’s communication strategy, both as a means of informing stakeholders about the project and its success as well as ensuring interested adjunct faculty may identify their interest in being included in the pilot.  Additionally, committee members will be available to meet with the Faculty and Professional Staff Senate and MCCC members.  Divisional representatives on the Central Committee will continue to be encouraged to share information at division and department meetings.  The Central Committee proposes the following timeline:

December 2017
Share current plan and timeline with President Douglas.
December 2017
Reach out to appropriate constituencies about the pilot (MCCC Union, Faculty and Professional Staff Senate, Academic Affairs and divisional deans).
January 2018
Pilot project is mentioned during professional days as part of a college-wide effort to increase shared governance efforts.
January 2018
Central Committee determines recommended approach for divisional representation on committees.
February 2018
Academic Affairs and divisional deans solicit interest (including particular areas of college governance) from adjunct faculty.  Central Committee members provide assistance in their divisions to help ensure clear understanding of the goals of the project.
March 2018
Using feedback from Academic Affairs, the Central Committee spends its March meeting determining recommended placement for adjunct faculty.
April 2018
Central Committee seeks approval from President Douglas and notifies adjunct faculty of their placement.
September 2018
Adjunct Faculty join committees as full members for the fall semester.
November 2018
Central Committee develops a comprehensive survey to gauge the success of the pilot.  Pilot as well as permanent members are administered the survey.
December 2018 – late-January 2019
Survey is administered.
Spring 2019
The Central Committee reviews survey results as well as feedback from divisions and makes recommendations to President Douglas.

Due Date (please indicate if fixed & why):  We would like to ask that the project be mentioned at the forthcoming Professional Day activities in January.

Population(s) to be served:  Adjunct faculty

Estimated Budget:  $4,000.  We hope to garner interest for 20-25 existing committees.            

Identified or requested funding source:  The college budget will support this activity.


         President of F&PS Senate                                                                            __________________________
                Required for all College-wide Academic Initiatives

              President or his designee, usually Academic V.P.
         Academic VP                                                                      ___________________                                           
                Required for all College-wide Academic Initiatives

NOTE: Approval to Investigate Does NOT Constitute Final Approval 

Minutes of January 22, 2018

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, October 23, 2017
Room L 101 3:15 pm

Senators in attendance:   C. Almeida, S. Alves, D. Avedikian,  J. Barry, D. Behuniak,   J. Bjornson,  J. Boulay,  L. Delano-Botelho, J. Emond,  K. Fassbender, M. Geary, K. Hiller,  M. Hyde, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk, A. Marden, L. Neubert, K. Plante,  D. Quenga, M. Sipala, R. Rebello,  R.  Weisberger, K. Woldegiorgis

Absences: G. Hamel, J. Dekkers , P. Robillard, J. Corven
Excused Absences: R. Rak

Guests: 7 Guests attended this meeting
Meeting called to order:  3:15 pm  

Minutes:  Approved minutes from 10/10/17 meeting

J. Boulay welcomed Senators & Guests

April Bellafiore Announcements regarding distance learning classes:
·         Discussed process re: how a course usually taught as face-to-face becomes an online course
o   Faculty-driven process:  Faculty will speak to their Divisional dean and then April Bellafiore
o   If there is a need and/or a capacity course will be considered
o   Once it is approved and signed off by Divisional Dean, form will move to Academic Affairs for approval
o   Faculty will receive stipend for their work:  This amount has been determined by MCCC contract for Distance Education
o   There is no need for CWCC approval if this is a course already being currently taught
o   Also, department approval is not necessary to move from a face-to-face course to an online course
o   If a faculty wishes to develop a hybrid course, this would require a conversation with their Divisional Dean
§  Hybrid courses are defined as 50% or more instruction on line.
o   There are no specific criteria for students to register for an online course.

Communications and IT Demo new web site:
·         The new changes will update the look as well as the functionality of the BCC website
·         The team is currently working with faculty, students and alum of BCC for feedback
·         Reminded Senate that this is a work in process and what they were viewing is not the finished product
·         Expectations are that the new Website will be “fully responsive” (e.g., no moving curser) and will shrink to fit phones.
·         Expected date to go live is January 2018
·         Addressed question regarding the difficulty searching for items on current BCC website and whether this will change
o   Informed that the search box will be controlled by “Google”:  “Google” will learn by what people most commonly search on the site
o   Suggestion by Senate member:  Consider having directions regarding how to find/search for items on web site
·         Team is looking for student testimonials or stories to share online.  If faculty have someone in mind, could they please refer them to communications?
·         Also, if faculty have specific ideas or if they are interested in helping to edit, please contact communications or IT.

Student Purge Data:
·         Question arose as to why BCC completes the purge
·         Discussed that students find the purge process confusing
·         Is there any data to explore whether students sign up again for classes if they have been purged?
·         Jenn B. will reach out to Kathy G. and Steve K. for information regarding how and why
·         Suggested that it would be beneficial to have this topic discussed at a large forum similar to the “Withdrawal Policy” forum

By Law Revisions:  No concerns at this time
Senate will vote scheduled for 11/20/2017. 

Senate Committees:
o   Nominations Committee:
§   Mike Geary CHAIR
·         Kelli Hiller
·         Debbie Quenga

o   Text Book: 
§  Dana Behuniak CHAIR
·         Alyssa Frezza
·         Julie Jodoin-Krauzyk
·         Lisa Delano-Botelho

o   Census:
o               Kathy Plante CHAIR
·         Kellie Fassbender
·         Dana Behuniak

o   Grandchamp: 
§  Steve Alves CHAIR
·         Jim Pelletier
·         Dana Behuniak
·         Ron Weisberger

Division Updates:
            DIV II: 
·         History Department concerned with number of courses cancelled. 
·         Future concern that this may cause tension between adjunct and full time faculty.
·         Expressed desire to have all academic are meeting discussion regarding course cancellations
·         Nursing students at BCC have a 97% Passing rate on their nursing exams.
·         Changes to the Accuplacer will happen in January of 2019.  This change is coming from the Board of Higher Ed.
·         Questions regarding this should be addressed to Kristen Rezendes in the testing.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:20 pm

Respectfully Submitted:  Lisa Delano-Botelho, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Secretary

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Minutes of November 20, 2017

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, November 20, 2017
Room L 101 3:15 pm

Senators in attendance: 
 C. Almeida, L. Delano-Botelho, R.  Weisberger, J. Bjornson,  K. Hiller,  K. Plante,  D. Avedikian, R. Rak, D. Behuniak,  J. Boulay, J. Emond,  J. Corven, M. Sipala, K. Woldegiorgis, L. Neubert,  K. Fassbender, J. Constantine

Absences: R. Rebelo, P. Robillard, M. Roberts, J. Jodoin-Krauzyk, M. Geary, G. Hamel, J. Barry
Excused Absences: S. Alves, D. Quenga

Guests: 7 Guests attended this meeting
Meeting called to order:  3:15 pm  

Minutes:  Minutes from October 2017 were reviewed.  Suggested change was to delete James Emond from committee.  Approved unanimously with aforementioned correction.

J. Boulay welcomed Senators & Guests

I.                     Anthony Ucci:  Discuss the existing Academic Initiative (A-I) Process for Curriculum development
a.      Some staff report frustration because process for developing a new program/curriculum is not clearly defined.
b.      A-I in response to faculty request
c.       Plan:  6 person task force including 2 Administrators and 4 Senate Members.
d.      Looking for Senate feedback and approval on Final Draft
e.      Discussed the differences between CWCC and DHE forms and process
                                                              i.      Stepped process is as follows:    Program originator sends letter of intent to college; Department review; Divisional Curriculum Committee; CWCC; VPAA and Board of Trustees; DHE is notified of new Certificate/Concentration (DHE will review new programs only); College Catalogue
                                                             ii.      If the Department denies new application, you may appeal to divisional curriculum committee.
                                                           iii.      If denied, cannot reapply for 2 years.

Final Recommendations

CWCC New Program Form

Fast Track Proposal Form

CWCC Course Proposal Form

 By Law Revisions:  Unanimously passed as is. 

Update on Senate Goals:
1.       Retention:
a.       Reported that President requested information from the retention summit be shared.
b.      Implemented a Joint Senate and Admin Group. 
c.       Suggestion:  Retention summit should be infused into Adjunct Faculty day, Professional Staff Meetings, Professional Planning Day, etc.
2.       Student Purge:
a.      Shared info has promoted greater transparency
b.      Suggested that we use time on Spring Professional Day to think about how to solve problems
3.       College Communications:
a.      Jenn B. met with college communications to discuss the process of faculty biographies being posted and the process for Recognitions/Awards to faculty
b.      Problem with the faculty bios would be the initial process because there would be so many to write.
c.       Question regarding who would be responsible for updating them?
4.       Senate Marketing Plan:
a.      Senate to “look into” having a Senate section in the BCC weekly.
5.       Reminded Senators to complete the PACE Survey.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:20 pm
Respectfully Submitted:  Lisa Delano-Botelho, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Secretary