Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Minutes of October 6, 2014

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday October 6, 2014
B101 3:15 p.m.
Senators in attendance: E. French, R. Worthington, G. Heaney, S. Pero, D. St. George, J. Duponte, J. Constantine, J. Corven, S. McCourt, J. Pelletier, J. Boulay, G. Leeman, R. Benya-Soderbom, L. Delano-Botelho, R. Amarasingham, J. Mbugua, S. Ferreira C. Poore-Pariseau, M. Geary, T Grady
Excused Absences: H. Tinberg, S. Gabb, C. Leonard, M. Williams, K. Hiller
Absences:  R. Santos, D. Warr
Four guests attended this meeting.
Special Guests: TASC Director Ron Weisberger and Writing Center Director Genie Giaimo

Meeting called to order 3:18 pm.

Minutes: Minutes from September 14, 2014 were reviewed and passed with amendments for small editing items and the addition of Senators R. Worthington and T. Grady to the “attending” roster.

Writing Center & TASC:
§  Ron Weisberger provided an overview of the formation of the Learning Commons, where TASC and the Writing Center share a physical space. He also highlighted how these areas are also sharing the TutorTrac data management system despite maintaining separate identities.
§  Genie Giaimo fielded questions and provided clarifications regarding changes to the Writing Center.
o   She indicated that drop-in students will not be turned away, but they will only be served if accommodations are available at the time. The Center is shifting toward scheduling appointments to increase usage rates for budgetary reasons, but may create a waiting list for cancellations.
o   She also indicated that there were no plans to phase out faculty tutors despite adding peer tutors; she is also exploring adding tutor bios to the website. Her hope is to expand services in the area of faculty research.
o   Her goal is to work collaboratively to meet needs of faculty from different disciplines and to better integrate Writing Center services in assignments. This may include workshops on writing in disciplines and coordination with library as a team for citations and research, argumentation and development.
§  A discussion followed about the potential of implementing a joint document for assignments using the Writing Center; this could include a brief student post-survey regarding goals and outcomes, thereby allowing the student to internalize why he/she is using the Center. She underscored the importance of using the Writing Center in a manner that is meaningful for students. Director Giaimo offered to meet with the Senate at a future date.

Division Updates:
·       Division 1: Two Senators from Division 1 and one from Division 4 attended the first PLA meeting; now one coordinator will assess student portfolios, although there will be options for individual departments; instructional student portfolio workshops will be offered. Additionally, English portfolio assessments will incorporate MapWorks for students who failed portfolio assessment; faculty are encouraged to contact Dana Behuniak for training in MapWorks.
·       Division 2: Search committee for new dean is meeting next week to begin the new interviews.
·       Division 3: No updates.
·       Division 4: No updates.
·       Division 5: New Associate Dean of STEM Meghan Abella-Bowen met with Division 5 faculty regarding the new TAACCCT 4 grant.
·       Division 6: No updates.
·       Division 7:
o   Office of Disability Services: Each building will have demonstrations of the evacuation chairs and ODS received approval for a full-time deaf/hard of hearing coordinator.
o   Lash Division: The college was awarded a Department of Labor TAACCCT 4 grant for STEM GPS in General Studies in the amount of $525,000 over 4 years and Lash CTL is piloting a year-long hybrid Adjunct Certificate Program.
o   Enrollment & Student Services: Enrollment is down 1.6% but student retention and graduation rates increased; the call center made 6,000 phone calls to students and applicants; Marianne LeGuyader is the new Assistant Director of Student Life; Vice President Leeman and Athletic Director Derek Viveiros worked on a new CSS course for student athletes.

Division/Area Grant Wish List
President McCourt proposed a new grant wish list form that any group on campus may initiate. The proposed form would include name of the contact person and acknowledgement that he/she is willing to participate in writing and/or assessment of the grant. President McCourt will provide a draft to Senators for next meeting.

Bylaws and Reorganization:
Due to the reorganization of divisions 6 and 7, Senate bylaws will need to be revised; President McCourt will meet with Senators Leeman, Boulay and Worthington to explore.
Annual Goals and Calendar:
President McCourt distributed tentative topics and goals for the current academic year; further discussion regarding additions/revisions is scheduled for later meeting. Subsequent meetings will incorporate updates on:
1.     Shared governance
2.     Communication and representation
3.     Excellence, equity and inclusion
The green schedule will also be revisited and may be added to the annual goals.

Joint Senate/Administration Closed-Loop Governance Initiative:
President McCourt received notification from AVP of Academic Affairs Ucci that President Sbrega signed the joint initiative; however, upon comparison with the latest iteration sent in the spring, it was determined that there were significant differences from said document. While the Senate would receive notification of new initiatives, concerns were raised regarding the feedback and evaluation process for pilot initiatives. The Senate unanimously agreed to have a full discussion before providing official comment.

Meeting adjourned 4:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary

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