Thursday, October 13, 2016

Minutes of September 19, 2016

Bristol Community College
Faculty & Professional Staff Senate Meeting
Minutes of Monday, September 19, 2016
Room H129 3:15 pm

Senators in attendance:  Robyn Worthington, Carlos Almeida, Livia Neubert, Jim Pelletier, Sil Ferreira, Geraldine Hamel, Dan Avedikian, Deb St. George, Mike Geary, Jacci Barry, Jenn Boulay, Howard Tinberg, Debra Quenga, Marie Roberts, Mary Hyde, Jon Bjornson, Jim Corven Dana Behuniak, Ric Rebelo, Kelly Fassbender, Julie Jodoin-Krauzyk, Lisa Delano-Botelho, James Emond, Debra Quenga,
Absences:, Jennifer Dekkers-Mitchell, Kelemu Woldegiorgis, Jim Constantine
Excused Absences: Kelli Hiller, Amy Marden
Nine guests attended this meeting.
Special guests included Joyce Brennan and Holly Pappas.
Meeting called to order:  3:12 pm
Welcome and Introductions:
President Tinberg welcomed new and returning Senators.
Minutes:  Minutes from September 1 meeting were approved with abstentions due to absences.
Division Reports
·         Division 1: ESL students could benefit from additional supports— ESL is not currently offered in Taunton or Attleboro; letters from Enrollment can be confusing and are not translated to other languages. A discussion followed regarding access to bilingual forms during admissions and whether the Portuguese and Spanish Interpreting Programs can help.
·         Division 4: Faculty members obtained doctoral degrees
·         Lash: The K building is closed after hours and students don’t have access to the computer lab as a result. A discussion followed regarding equitable distribution of resources across campuses.
·         Advising: Some college policies create red tape that can impair student success (e.g., purge for nonpayment or missing financial aid paperwork).
Vote on Senate Strategic Goals 2016-17
·         A motion was made and passed unanimously to approve the proposed strategic goals for AY 2016-17. They include curricular alignment and integration, culture of collaboration, and a whole student initiative (ongoing goals from last year: governance, student support and retention).
Invited Speaker: Joyce Brennan, Vice President, College Communications
·         Vice President Brennan introduced herself to the Senate, provided her personal background, and offered some updates and goals for College Communications.
·         Background: Started at BCC on August 1, 2016, she knows the local community and has worked in a similar capacity at Southcoast Health (team structure that supports external entities)
·         Update: She has begun working on a strategic plan with her department and has begun auditing their social media strategy (e.g., what are they promoting and who are they targeting).
·         Goals:
o    Finding and sharing faculty stories
o    Soliciting feedback from Senate
o    Tapping into new audiences (adult learners, veterans)
o    Plans to come back to share communication plan, once assembled
·         Website: Contract was on her desk upon hire, but she just left a website revamp at Southcoast Health and felt further exploration was needed before paying for a revision. Overall, she finds the website needs work, is confusing and is not student-friendly. RFP will be put out and the company that did the groundwork could be rehired. She plans to come back to the Senate with a concept for the website first. She hopes to become a strategic partner with the Senate on this work.
Follow up: Task Force Report on Student Retention/Academic Support and Meeting with Administration
·         The Senate conducted an electronic vote on whether the Senate should join the proposed task force and it was approved.
·         President Tinberg will follow up with the administration to discuss a timeline and charge for the group. He will propose a plan for a college-wide conversation such as a retention summit for the spring.
Update on General Education Review
·         Holly presented draft competencies to the Senate. They are critical reading and analysis, scientific reading and discovery, quantitative and symbolic reasoning, global and historical awareness, multicultural and social perspectives, ethical dimensions, and information and technical literacy. Additional work is needed for written and oral communication, and humanities.
·         Some competencies were previously approved, but not implemented.
·         Bloom’s Taxonomy was used for draft competencies in an effort to make them more assessable.
·         She proposed a possible assessment day for assessing the proposed competencies.
·         Next, members of the group will attend the monthly division and program chairs meetings to solicit feedback from faculty.
·         Draft competencies will be shared with the Senate in a Google Doc and Senators are encouraged to join the taskforce.
·         President Tinberg commended the group for using the AI process as it was intended.
Update on NEASC Working Groups
·         Update was provided at professional staff meeting prior to the Senate meeting.
o    Governance: They are looking at models of shared governance and are composing draft language for NEASC. They are referencing the Central Committee’s findings on the committee structure at the college. New AI proposals have been submitted to President Tinberg and Secretary Boulay, which will be shared with Senators at the next meeting. A discussion followed regarding who is initiating, who is signing off on initiatives, and what are the implications for doing so. Constituent access to college monthly reports was also discussed. There should be a central repository so all college members have access to this information.
·         ODS is identifying testing space. They proctored almost 800 exams in Fall River last year; however, the existing ODS space is not conducive. They are looking for low-cost proposal for a classroom near ODS. The question was raised as to whether the Senate can assist with this and if the Academic Initiative (AIE form should be used.
·         A question was raised as to whether the college would reduce costs by having certifications done internally.
Meeting Adjourned:  4:19 pm
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Boulay, BCC Faculty & Professional Staff Secretary

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