- In the last update, it was announced that the Senate made a request of college administration that the next All Academic Area meeting, October 31, be focused on an open discussion of the brand new Middle College program. This request has been granted. Appreciation has been expressed to President Sbrega and Vice President Garrett for agreeing to change the first hour of the scheduled division meeting to an All Academic Area meeting for this purpose.
- On Monday, October 31, 2pm, the All Academic Area meeting will give faculty and professional staff the opportunity to have an open discussion with Vice President Ozug and Dean Romanovitch. Please come to the meeting to listen, ask questions, and to be involved in a dialog regarding development and implementation of this new program.
- Below is a link to the Senate Blog. Currently, the blog includes a link to the Senate bylaws and to the Senate’s white paper, Academics 2010. All constituents are invited to access the blog. If you would like to become a follower of the blog, there is an appropriate link. If you would like to comment on a posting, you may do so anonymously by selecting “anonymous”.
- http://www.senatebcc.blogspot.com/
- All constituents are invited to attend all Senate meetings.
- Next Senate meeting: Monday, November 7th, 3:15pm; H-129
Thank you to the Senate for being the voice of the faculty and bringing up these imprtant issues. I'm very concerned about how quickly these things come to pass and how senior faculty are not participating or even asked for their expertise.